The classic true cat and mouse game. You can imagine this idiom in ane of ii ways. Maybe you think of information technology equally a guy chasing a girl for her affection, being thwarted, enduring failed attempts, merely persevering notwithstanding. Or, as a true cat parent, you recollect of when your true cat caught a mouse: your cat craves the capture of the mouse, sprints nearly the house at dark beingness thwarted by the mouse's escapes, always to-be-continued.

But what happens when this game ends? Because when I say "ends," I mean, what happens when the true cat finally succeeds and its prize is a nice mouthful of mouse carcass? The true cat may exist extremely proud of his triumph, but if this cat is your pet, it is non all fun and games anymore. You are left with a expressionless mouse sitting on your doorstep and a feline murderer sitting on your couch.

Ok, no, your cute, cuddly kitten is not some decease-obsessed maniac. He'south simply going past his instincts as a natural born hunter. As kittens, feral cats are taught past their mothers to kill and sometimes play with their prey. If your indoor, domesticated cat comes inside mitt's reach of a mouse, this instinct will trigger deep-seated pleasure centers and your cat could quite peradventure become hunt crazy.

The Thrill of the Hunt

Cats have a desire to catch things and hunt. This is why cats adore playing with toys that tease them, such every bit a streamer on the end of a pole or a mouse toy being held in forepart of their face. This is also why cats pounce on wagging toes or fingers in their line of vision. If they feel as if something is going to escape their grip, they want information technology even more.

Not surprisingly, outdoor cats are more likely to take hold of prey and present them as gifts than indoor cats. But if an indoor cat gets a hold on a cute little animate being, you can bet that they will pounce on the opportunity just as their ancestors before them would.

Cats are hypothesized to torture and and play with their prey for a couple reasons. Outset, cats want to brand sure their catch is completely dead, then there's no risk of it attacking them when their baby-sit is down. It is besides thought that they play with their prey every bit a sort of prolonged victory celebration—they have overcome their enemy and won the battle! Even if they exercise not consume their prize, they still desire to enjoy the game of it.

A Special Gift Just for You lot

But the real question is, why does my cat nowadays the carcass as a gift to me? Well actually, when a mother true cat kills dinner for her family, she offers it to them wholeheartedly, and does not swallow information technology herself. She drops information technology at the paws of her kittens for them to dig in. Her gesture of leaving this expressionless mouse on your doorstep, at your feet, or even peradventure in your bed, is really an act of kindness. She considers you part of her family and would rather offer you her killing than consume it on her own.


In that location are a few ways to prevent dead mice from showing up at your doorstep. The number one way to prevent your cat from beingness the natural born hunter that he is is to keep him inside as an indoor cat. Less time outside means reduced availability of a hunting basis.

Although y'all may keep your true cat inside, you might also supply time for him to explore the great outdoors too. In this case, it is advised to tie a bong around his collar to provide his prey with a warning that he is on the prowl. Bells will scare abroad most mice and birds, disappointment his attempts to sneak up on his casualty. In this mode, your cat can indulge his hunting instincts, but yous are reducing the likelihood he'll exist successful and you lot'll have a carcass sitting on your doorstep.

Simulate the Hunt

It is also advised to play with your cat in a mode that satisfies her cat-and-mouse chase desires.

Y'all tin can do this past making or ownership any type of interactive pet toy that simulates a sneaking prey. Wait for the type of toy that you tin can move in front of your cat's face, like a streamer or a ball on a string. Your cat will savour the tease and want to take downwards the object, which is much better than taking down a live creature (or your feet every bit you come effectually the corner). Your cat can permit out his pent up hunting energy on something safe and satisfying, as opposed to injuring a homo or animal. He volition likewise get some exercise and y'all will go to spend some quality fourth dimension with your pet.

Dogs chase cats, cats chase mice… The chasing game might exist used as an metaphorically in our human lives, only it is nevertheless literal for our feline friends. Instinct is tough to overcome, and so channel it in a mode that is efficient, entertaining, and safe for the entire family.


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