what are pakistani women not allowed to do

The author is a former caretaker finance minister and served as vice-president at the Globe Bank

Pakistan does not treat its women well. This tin can be attributed to two traditions the country has inherited. One, women's poor status is common in the Muslim world. They are segregated and don't have access to the authorities supplied social services that equal those bachelor to the male population. There is no better example of this than the set on on Malala Yousafzai that about killed her. Her criminal offense: to speak in public about the importance of educating girls. The second case is from Saudi Arabia that does not permit women to drive automobiles. This restriction severely limits women'due south ability to move around and hence, for them to enter the workforce in the Kingdom. The 2d tradition comes from the country's location. Pakistan is a South Asian country and women's condition in the subcontinent is low. It took the dominion past the British to make the burning of Hindu widows a crime, a practice called 'sati'. Fifty-fifty now, India by tradition assigns a very low status to women in its lodge. It is interesting that the practice of 'triple talaq' — a husband could divorce his wife by simply proverb 'I divorce you' three times — among Muslims in India was declared to be illegal by the Indian Supreme Court. In Islamic republic of pakistan, the practise was banned by the 1961 Muslim Family Laws Ordinance promulgated by the military government headed by Field Marshal Ayub Khan. Upon achieving independence, Bangladesh did not abandon this marital constabulary provision.

Women'southward low status in Pakistan has serious demographic consequences. The government'south optimism that the country had entered the phase of demographic transition has non been borne out by the census of 2017. It is estimated that the rate of growth in population was one-third college than what the government had believed. It was 2.four per cent rather than 1.viii per cent causeless in the Pakistan Economic Survey of 2016-17. The 2d surprise from the census'due south finding is that the sex ratio in Pakistan has non adapted to what is regarded equally the demographic norm. In normal populations, the ratio of women in the total population is slightly higher than that of men. This is largely on account of women's longer life expectancy. This has non happened in Islamic republic of pakistan and the reason is the relatively low status of women in the Pakistani society. As the impressive demographic transition in Bangladesh has shown, improving women'south standing in society has pregnant consequences for the birthrate. People's republic of bangladesh, in one case a part of Pakistan, has shown what can be accomplished by improving women's social and economic status in society.

The primary cistron accounting for women's higher social status in Bangladeshi society is the rate of female person participation in the labour force which, at 43.i per cent, is almost double of Pakistan'southward 24.3 per cent. This is largely due to the employment of women in People's republic of bangladesh's big garment-making industry. Another factor is the level of female educational attainment. In one case women enter the workforce, their demand for didactics increases. In Bangladesh, 42 per cent of women anile 25 years and above accept some secondary education compared to Pakistan's 26.5 per cent. The sociological consequences arising from these two factors probably explain most of the meaning differences in the status of the women in these two countries.

In Pakistan, parents appear to invest less on their daughter'southward education because they await higher labour market rewards from their sons — this is due to the expected parental dependence on their sons during old age. This creates discriminatory practices and accounts for lower school enrollment rates for girls. The empirical prove from Islamic republic of pakistan, however, shows that the return on education is much higher for females than males, but the portion of the returns on daughters' education that goes to parents is much lower than in the example of sons. Upon getting married, most women move from their parent'southward household to that of their husband's. This is the case in item in rural areas.

Another factor that applies to women in full general in Pakistan and elsewhere is time-poverty or time-paucity. Girls' 24-hour interval is filled with activities that are not required of boys. In the households with many children, older girls are required to treat their younger siblings. With their time thus crowded, girls are unable to attend schools. The problem becomes more acute for women in the workforce as they are still expected to keep with their gender-related and culturally-divers domestic roles. Lower rates of fertility reduce the size of households and cuts down on the need on girls for attention to young children. This is one of the many virtuous cycles that appear all over the demographic field.

The foregoing raises a number of questions, many of them relating to the making of public policy. How should girls' access to education be improved is a question policymakers should ask. This can be done with a combination of authorities action and private initiative. Governments at various levels — in particular at the local level — should build schools for girls, bringing educational institutions nearer to dwelling. This manner, girls will not need to walk long distances to get to school. The private sector should be encouraged to provide pocket-size amounts of credit to women entrepreneurs, especially to those that employ women to increase their operations. Once these steps have been taken, local governments may levy fines on the households that nonetheless keep girls from attending school. These and other deportment could exist incorporated in "women's social uplift programmes", provinces should exist required to formulate and implement.

The employment of women in Bangladesh'south large garment industry has fabricated them relatively independent of men's control. They have a greater say in deciding on the appropriate size of their families. People's republic of bangladesh performs better in terms of the social development of women compared to Pakistan.

Published in The Limited Tribune, September 25th, 2017.

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Source: https://tribune.com.pk/story/1515421/treatment-women-pakistan

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